Collect and process open-source data from multiple sources to increase situational awareness.

An end-to-end media intelligence and OSINT platform to collect and analyze data from Online/Social, Broadcast, Print, dark web and other data sources and transform them into actionable information. Designed to help government communication, defense, compliance and security departments, public and private organizations to identify key content of interest across multiple sources, take decisions and react promptly to threats.
DataScouting OSINT Media Intelligence

Broadcast, IP video/audio streams: Use our state-of-the-art multilingual automatic speech recognition, face recognition, news ticker extraction to detect news content in real time from TV/Radio, IP streams or podcasts.

Customizable crawlers download content 24/7 from any online sites even behind paywalls, social media platforms and messaging applications while automatically extracting meaningful information.

Include all data in a single dashboard, drill down and identify information of interest using all the metadata produced by our AI modules.
Technologies / AI modules
Security, Τraining and Support